If users are looking for an easy operating and quick response dot measuring solution, either it is pointing at close or long distance, none of simple laser pointer or other manual dot projecting tool can be comparable with a 505nm green laser diode module. It is projecting less brightness green laser light than formally used 532nm green DPSS laser system. In various industrial and high tech precise dot aligning work fields, only after correct use of output power and easy mounting onto all kinds of machine or device, this green dot laser just makes sure of quick response and highly clear green dot alignment constantly.

The usual use of 505nm green laser diode module is processing onto different working surfaces, thus it should have to work in multiple working environments. It is applying a durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube. It is applying for wide range operating temperature of -10 to 45 degree Celsius. When it adopts an import 505nm green laser diode within 5mW to 100mW, it should be equipping with 16mm and 26mm diameter tube, this green dot laser is not only leaving enough space for tube cooling down, but also ensuring the most convenient installation and quick green dot projection onto any vertical or horizontal surfaces constantly.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, on basis of the advanced use of glass coated lens, in order to avoid laser light decay or blur, this 505nm green laser diode module always gets special use of a glass window in front of beam aperture. Any time it is projecting high transmittance green laser light from beam aperture, either it is pointing at close or long distance, this 505nm green dot laser still keeps work without any affect by working environments. When it is pointing without sunlight, after correct use of output power and proper mounting onto those of industrial machine or device, it makes sure of quick response green dot alignment onto various working surfaces perfectly.
For the most important of all, after the use of laser alignment mounting bracket and extending electric wires for both tail parts of 505nm green laser diode module and DC power supply, it just allows the most convenient installation, and quick response dot projection. It is performing with noncontact and no track green dot projection. According to correct use of output power and proper adjustment of green dot diameter, and correct wearing of laser safety glasses, high power 505nm green laser always makes easy and free dot measurement in all application fields.