When users are looking for an easy and efficient line measuring solution, although it is pointing at quite long work distance and other hard reaching places, it is just not the end for users to develop a quite practically used high power 200mW green line laser alignment. It is projecting the most visible and the most sensitive color green laser light from beam aperture part. Owing to quite special use of thermal emitting system and constant power source from DC power supply, only if green laser line generator gets proper installation and adjustment, it is just able to work with extremely clear and fine green reference line generation onto all working surfaces.

This 200mW high power green line alignment makes the most advanced use of 532nm green DPSS laser system. It is projecting the most visible green laser light from beam aperture. For the most important of all, owing to its sensitive color and easy absorbing green laser light emission, after getting quite low laser beam divergence of less than 1mrad and special TEM00 laser beam mode, high power green laser line generator just gets the best quality green laser light. It is also projecting extremely fine and straight green reference line generation at great distance and other high lighting working occasions as well.
In order to make the best line positioning results onto different working surfaces, 200mW high power green line laser alignment just applies the best quality optic lens. Either adopting qualified glass coated lens or separate crystal lens, it is performing with high transmittance green laser light, and high linear green reference line generation in use. It enables freely selected fan angles of 10 degree to 110 degree. This high power green laser module is projecting various line lengths within 0.5 meter to 6 meters. Only according to basic measurement and experiment of required line lengths, line fineness and work distance, it would be selecting with correct optic lens degree, and making the most precise line positioning results in use perfectly.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, owing to special of extending electric wires for both high power 200mW green line laser alignment and DC power supply, it enables the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, and convenient line generation onto any vertical or horizontal surface immediately. Any time industrial alignment laser makes quite easy adjustment of laser beam focus, it just gets the most efficient laser light conversion and highly fine line positioning result in use. At the same time, after high attention to laser safety issue and correct wearing of laser safety glasses, it makes sure of no danger and no mistake line measurement perfectly.