If users are looking for an easy operating and quick response dot aligning solution, not always working at close distance, it would make good job with a high brightness red laser beam emitting tool of red laser diode module. Applying advanced 655nm red laser diode tech, owing to its mass production and quite mature laser diode tech, the finished product of red laser just gets high level of laser beam stability and highly clear red dot projection. Only after correct use of output power and proper mounting onto any other industrial machine or device, this red laser always makes easy and quick response red dot generation onto various working surfaces constantly.

When 655nm red laser diode module gets easy connects with an external 5V, 9V 1000mA AC/DC adapter, it is performing much better than a simple red laser pointer. It projects continuous red laser beam and red reference dot from beam aperture. At the same time, owing to its wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW, it is able to make highly clear red dot generation at several miles far away. At the same time, once it is pointing at quite long work distance of 25 meters, without the use of sunlight, a correct output power made 655nm red laser just makes sure of clear and accurate red dot generation for a lot of application fields.
No matter what kind of working surface it is pointing, any time it is applying the best quality glass coated lens, this 655nm red laser diode module is always projecting highly clear and accurate red reference dot from beam aperture. In various precise dot measuring work fields, it generates high transmittance and high intensity red laser light. For the most important of all, after its strict laser beam stability test and special use of a glass window in front of laser beam aperture, even though it is pointing under those of harsh working occasion, such as moisture or dust, this durable structure made red dot laser still keeps stable performance and highly clear red dot indication at various work distances.
With the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket and special use of extending electric wires, not limited by long distance, high height and complex working environments, this 655nm red laser diode module always makes easy and no barrier dot indication onto any raw material surface. Only if it makes quite easy screw of adjustable focus lens and red dot projecting direction, it just brings users low price and high level of accuracy dot measurement for all application fields.