Different from any simple dot projecting tool, such as a laser pointer, sticker or other manual dot aligning tool etc, it should be a quite nice solution to operate a high density beam emitting tool of a 515nm green dot laser alignment. It enables highly intense and visible forest green laser beam emission from a 515nm green laser diode directly. In process of long lasting and long distance precise dot measuring work, on the basis of correct use of output power and easy mounting onto other machine or device, this 515nm green laser module just brings users the most efficient and the clearest forest green dot indication for a lot of raw material processing works.
The usual use of a 515nm green dot laser alignment is in need to make different dimension dot projection at various work distances. As a result, it applies an import 515nm green laser diode within 5mW to 50mW as its beam emitting source. Although it projects similar forest green laser beam and green dot as a green laser pointer, however, it gets advanced use of a metal heat sink cooling system inside a highly durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube. The whole process of laser dot alignment work enables up to 85% laser beam stability after constant work time of 10 hours.
On condition that 515nm green dot laser alignment is pointing onto different working surface, it should have to make different dimension dot as expected. The advanced use of a qualified glass coated lens and glass window are cooperating well, which enables high density and high transmittance forest green laser light source emission at long extending distance. In addition, when 515nm green laser module gets selected output power of 5mW to 50mW, it is not simply used for close distance and inner room, but also bringing users ideal dot aligning accuracy within long extending distance of 25 meters.
When 515nm green dot laser alignment gets high thermal consumption, it has been equipped with correct operating voltage of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply. On the basis of 16mm and 26mm diameter metal housing tube design, it allows quite easy reaching and no barrier forest green dot indication for a lot of raw material processing works. Once this alignment laser gets high power up to 50mW for long distance and high lighting, it is a major part to wear correct laser safety glasses until achieving easy, free and secured use in all occasions.