In order to make highly clear and quick enough dot measurement, not limited by any working environments, such as long distance or hard reaching, laser tech engineer has just developed a quite practically used device, such as a high brightness beam emitting tool of pro red dot laser alignment. It is performing with high purity and high brightness red laser light emission from an inner laser diode. In occasion that compact size tube made 635nm red laser module gets proper installation and adjustment to correct position, it just makes no barrier and no mistake red dot measurement in multiple application fields effectively.

According to the use of an external AC/DC adapter, the genuine dot measurement with pro red dot laser alignment gets no need to make battery change. It is performing with at least 3 times brighter red laser light than formal 650nm red lasers. In addition, when it is getting less than 1mrad laser beam divergence and special TEM00 laser beam mode, no matter what kind of working surface it is pointing, the obtained red laser dot is keeping the most compact size and the brightest dot indication at long work distance.
In order to support pro red dot laser alignment within 5mW to 100mW, it is applying proper operating voltage of 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply. It is emitting highly intense and powerful red laser light, and then projecting highly clear red dot source at various work distances. Once 635nm red laser module is selecting with high power up to 30mW to 100mW, it is not only adopting larger size tube diameter of 26mm, but also assuring highly clear red dot alignment at long work distance of 25 meters and other high lighting working occasions as well. When it is operating without sunlight, it is also making good job for high lighting working occasions.
With the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket and specially used electric wires, this pro red dot laser alignment always enables freely installed distance of 3 meters, and convenient red reference dot projection onto any vertical or horizontal surface. According to its easy screw of adjustable focus optic lens and high speed red laser light concentration, this red alignment laser gets the most compact size red dot indication in distance. When it is making constant red dot indication within 8 to 10 hours, after high attention to powerful red laser radiation and reflection, it just achieves excellent laser light cycling use, and the most reliable red dot measurement in all application fields perfectly.