In current time of precise line measuring work fields, no matter it is pointing at close or long work distance, it is not easily relying on any manual line drawing or printing work at all. At the same time, a lot of factory workers and engineers would prefer to make clear line generation with a high brightness device of a 532nm green laser line generator. It is always projecting the most visible and the brightest green laser light from a middle wavelength of 532nm green DPSS laser system. Being made with a qualified glass coated lens with wide fan angles and constant power sources supply, not simply relying on any manual labor force input, this 532nm green laser module always makes easy reaching and highly precise green line indication at various work distances.

From the very beginning design of a 532nm green laser line generator, it is being made with even better thermal emitting than a formally used green laser pointer. It is applying an inner part of a metal heat sink cooling system inside high duration anodized aluminum alloy housing tube. When it applies advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech, available with wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW, this green laser module is always projecting the most visible and the brightest green laser beam at several miles far away. When it projects low laser beam divergence and special Tem00 laser beam mode, either it is pointing at close or long distance, it just makes good job for high fineness green line indication at long extending distance effectively.
In various precise machinery processing work fields, different users are requiring different line length and line fineness at different work distances. The unique use of a qualified glass coated lens gets wide fan angles of 10 to 110 degree. It is able to project highly straight and fine green line within 0.5 meter to 6 meters, and highly fine green line fineness of only 0.3mm at 10cm, and 1mm to 2mm at 2 meters. In a large variety of industrial and high tech precise line measuring work fields, after correct selection of output power and optic lens fan angle, this 532nm green line laser just assures highly precise line positioning result for laser cutting, saw mill, lumber machine, laser car wheel alignment system etc.
According to special use of 16mm and 26mm diameter metal housing tube, within freely installed distance of 3 meters, this 532nm green laser line generator always makes sure of easy reaching, long lasting and no barrier green line projection onto various working surfaces. It enables freely adjusted laser line fineness and line emitting direction. When it makes long lasting and long time line alignment work, owing to special use of APC, ACC driving circuit board, this alignment laser always makes the most reliable green line projection and the most reliable line indication for all precise machinery processing works perfectly.