Whatever kind of working surface users are trying to make highly clear and accurate enough dot indication, even though it is far more enough than formal hand reaching, it should be a quite nice job for users to operate a high brightness device, such as a 532nm green laser diode module. It is working well with sensitive and bright green laser light source emission from a middle wavelength 532nm green DPSS laser system. On condition that it gets proper mounting onto any other industrial machine or device, without any serious relying on any manual labor force input, this dot laser alignment always brings users quite satisfied dot alignment for all precise machinery processing works.
Without any limitation by long distance, high height or other hard reaching places etc, this 50mW 532nm green laser diode module applies advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech, which is able to work with ultra powerful and intense green laser light source emission. At the same time, when it gets quite low laser beam divergence and special TEM00 laser beam mode, even though green laser dot is pointing at quite long work distance, it still gets ultra compact size and clear green dot indication for all raw material processing works.
Being made with a qualified glass coated lens and glass window, in those of industrial and high tech precise dot measuring work fields, this 50mW 532nm green laser diode module is working well with stable and clear dot indication, without any effect by moisture or dust as well. When it generates high transmittance green laser light source at long extending distance, it also makes ultra clear and precise green dot projection as long as 25 meters and high lighting occasion as well. In addition, this accessory part also brings users quite satisfied dot alignment result for laser marking, laser engraving, military targeting, optical instrument and lab experiment work etc.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, being made with APC, ACC driving circuit board, this 50mW 532nm green laser diode module enables constant output power and electric current supply. It enables long lasting green dot projection within 10 hours and ultra stable performance in proper use. When alignment laser makes freely adjusted laser beam focus and laser dot emitting direction, it gets highly concentrated green laser light source emission and efficient conversion of ultra clear and precise green dot projection in distance. Users should only take active laser safety measure and wear proper laser safety glasses until achieving easy, free and no danger use effectively.