Whatever kind of working surface users are in need of ultra clear and fine line indication for a lot of raw material processing works, not able to rely on prior line drawing work, it makes the best job to operate a qualified device of a uniform beam 635nm red laser line generator. It always applies the best quality import 635nm red laser diode and a qualified separate crystal lens inside a highly durable structure made metal housing tube. Whenever this ultra compact size tube made red laser module makes proper installation onto other machine or device, not relying on any manual labor force input, it is able to provide users excellent line positioning results for all precise machinery processing works conveniently.

From the very beginning design of a uniform beam 635nm red laser line generator, it just applies an import 635nm red laser diode within 5mW to 100mW as its beam emitting source. It is used for both of long time and long distance line positioning works. When it makes advanced use of a metal heat sink cooling system inside a durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, the basic use of a direct diode emission made 635nm red line laser gets good thermal emitting and thermal conductivity, and ultra stable red reference line projection for multiple raw material processing works.
When a qualified separate crystal lens is applied in front of laser beam aperture, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, this 635nm red laser line generator gets the best performance than formally used plastic or glass coated lens. It is keeping work with non Gaussian distribution red laser beam emission. For the most important of all, when it gets up to 85% uniformity red reference line projection, either it is pointing at close or long distance, this 635nm red line laser still keeps work with the same line brightness and fineness. Once it is pointing within the maximum work distance of 25 meters and high lighting occasions etc, it still brings users quite satisfied line positioning results for laser cutting machine, saw mill, textile garment processing, laser car wheel alignment system, military targeting, and lab experiment etc.
Within quite long extending distance and multiple lighting occasion etc, with the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket, this accessory part of uniform beam 635nm red line laser module enables quite easy installation, no barrier and noncontact red reference line projection onto any raw material surface. It makes high precision and high brightness red line alignment for all labs, institutes and colleges etc. When alignment laser up to 50mW to 100mW is used for long distance and high lighting, only after basic obeying of laser safety issue and proper wearing of laser safety goggles, it still makes easy, secured and low cost line measurement for all application fields.