Whenever users are trying to make ultra clear and fine enough dot indication, not easy to rely on any manual labor force input, it would be a quite efficient job to operate a high density beam emitting tool of a 515nm green dot laser module. It is working well with highly intense and visible forest green laser beam emission from an inner part of a 515nm green laser diode. In practical precise dot measuring work fields, on the basis of correct use of output power and proper mounting onto industrial machine or device, this direct diode emission made 515nm green laser alignment just makes quite easy reaching, good direction and high precision forest green dot indication onto multiple working surfaces constantly.
Owing to the use of an import 515nm green laser diode, comparing with a simple green laser pointer, the genuine use of a 515nm green dot laser module just makes constant forest green laser beam and green dot projection from laser beam aperture. It gets advanced use of a metal heat sink cooling system. In process of long lasting forest green dot projection work, it gets good thermal emitting and is not any longer relying on any manual labor force input. When 515nm green laser alignment makes continuous dot projection work within 8 to 10 hours per day, it is able to maintain up to 85% laser beam stability and ultra stable forest green dot projection in continuous use.
Being made with an AC/DC adapter, when 515nm green dot laser module is used for long time use, it always gets larger space leaving for tube cooling down, and makes highly reliable forest green dot projection for both of long time and long lasting use. It adopts a qualified glass coated lens and glass window in front of laser beam aperture, any time it projects high transmittance green laser light at long extending distance, this 515nm green laser alignment also gets highly clear and precise forest green dot projection within the maximum work distance of 25 meters and multiple lighting occasions as well.
With the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket and special use of electric wires extension for both of 515nm green dot laser module and DC power supply, it enables easy installation and quick reaching of green reference dot onto any raw material surface. Owing to its ultra compact size tube design and high precision dot projection, after its correct use of output power, this alignment laser gets wide applications for a lot of labs, institutes and colleges etc. Any time users are taking active laser safety measure and wearing correct laser safety glasses, it just assures easy and secured use for all application fields effectively.