What is an easy job to make clear presentation at close distance? It is not realistic for users to only use a simple sticker or indicator, however, it is just a much better solution for users to adopt a 5mW blue laser pointer. When it gets easy concert with 2 pieces of alkaline battery power source, it is just able to work with immediate and highly bright blue laser beam emission from beam aperture. Comparing with any other visible laser devices, this 460nm blue laser pen gets less brightness blue laser light than formally used 473nm blue DPSS laser. However, it is still making perfect presentation for those of entertainment and lab experiment works.
In practical dot positioning work fields, 5mW blue laser pointer is always projecting quite charming and attractive blue laser light from bema aperture. It is not simply used for presentation, but also making perfect presentation for laser show, laser displaying, laser communication, and other entertainment work fields. In formal blue laser dot pointing work, only if it is continuing within 30 seconds, after enough time leaving for laser pointer tube cooling down, it just gets superior nice thermal emitting, and highly bright and no light decay blue laser light emission from beam aperture.
In various dot positioning work fields, 5mW blue laser pointer should have to work in various working environments, but also have to get bight enough blue dot and blue laser beam emission in use. It is applying highly durable aircraft used aluminum alloy housing tube, within quite wide range operating temperature of -10 degree to 45 degree Celsius, this 460nm blue laser pen is able to work with highly stable blue laser light emission, and also keeping perfect blue dot indication under multiple working environments perfectly.
Any time 5mW blue laser pointer is pointing for quite long time without break, it might be power off automatically. Inside the tube of blue laser pen, there is specially designed overheating protection system. Within the process of increasing temperature of laser tube, it protects itself from any possibility of tube burning out or damage. When it makes proper installation with a laser pointer tripod or holding it in own hands, it is always making easy and highly clear blue dot projection onto various working surfaces.